HPV Leaflet Download

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Arnica Leaflet Download

Download the Arnica leaflet or contact us for hard copies.

I have visited Jodie Marchant and her family at their home and have taken on a huge legal and personal task to help them. Please read on....

Arnica has worked on a one sided leaflet about the Fluenz, the nasal spray administered in a primary school setting. Our main objections are because it is genetically modified and it sheds, so can transmit disease to others including those who didn't consent or those not medically unable to have a live vaccine.  It has been withdrawn in the US for lack of efficacy by the way.

In a recent article titled Cardiff University Expels Student Who Refused to be Vaccinated, I exposed how, despite advertising themselves as a ‘university for all,’ Cardiff University had chosen to discriminate against one of their students, simply because he had made the informed decision not to be vaccinated.

I wrote:

What a month! The Light a candle action on the Vaccine Injury Awareness Day June 3rd was very well attended in over 10 countries. New legislation in Italy, that proposes increasing mandatory vaccines to 12, meant that parents took to the streets in over 20 cities totaling 10,000!

The Change.org one has full information and references and the Government petition will require a response with 10,000 signatures, so both are important. By signing it gives a message that we are concerned and by sharing you are informing people about this mass school vaccine program with a live GM virus.

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Justice for Jodie Appeal

Justice for Jodie Appeal

Homeopathy & Natural Remedies for Children

This booklet, compiled by homeopath Zoe Scanlan, comprises clear and concise information on how to treat children’s ailments, such as, colds, fevers, behaviour and learning difficulties, measles 'Naturally'....

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