Dear Anna, I wanted to send you a message of support and to say what a fantastic job you are doing. It is so important for parents to have a forum where they feel comfortable about discussing issues around health, vaccination and natural immunity. It is great the the Arnica parents group provides this.
Myself and my husband faced the difficult decisions around vaccination 7 years ago. Having decided not to vaccinate our son we felt isolated and 'different' from everyone else in our social circle, and unable to discuss the issues openly.
We would have found it hugely beneficial at that time to have been able to access the Arnica Parent's group for support and information...
I recently gave an informal talk at the West Sussex Group run by Liz Evans ... It was fantastic to see so many parents there considering these issues, and liberating to have such open and honest discussion. So keep up the good work, you are providing an invaluable service, and have achieved a lot in a short space of time.
Regards, Carmel O'Dell SDSHom RSHom, Hove, East Sussex
Dear All, Just a quick note to thank you all very much for your helpful advice and input. I didn't take the antibiotics after all - I had been so concerned because I am pregnant. Following all your comments, and the advice of Rachel who leads my local Arnica group which I attended yesterday, I got in touch with my homeopath again and she prescribed something different for my acute sinusitis which seems to have had an immediate effect!
The Arnica organization is a wonderful thing and I have just made a donation! Thanks again for all your support.
Best wishes, Virginia
Just wanted to say that you are doing such a grand job with Arnica. You may not realize the huge impact this group has on people’s lives, keep on going and look after yourself too. I remember the time I had my first son and already knew I was not vaccinating, I had literally no-one to talk to, as most of my nutrition colleagues also vaccinated and it was a very ‘testing’ time but I never doubted about not vaccinating at all. It was very difficult to find like minded people. I have to admit I had the worse experience with my anti-natal group too regarding me not vaccinating, so it was really great to be there today and be reminded of what it can be like for most new parents who are choosing not to vaccinate or questioning vaccinations. How life has changed since then.
Your passion is contagious. I came home so inspired again!
Khush Mark, Phd. Kingston