HPV Leaflet Download

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Arnica Leaflet Download

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What a month! The Light a candle action on the Vaccine Injury Awareness Day June 3rd was very well attended in over 10 countries. New legislation in Italy, that proposes increasing mandatory vaccines to 12, meant that parents took to the streets in over 20 cities totaling 10,000! Poland with its increased legislation organized a march and 10,000 people also took to the streets on June 3rd.
Photos from across Europe, including the UK marching to Parliament, can be seen here. Arnica will be working with the EFVV partners to see what we can do collectively to help www.lightacandle.eu

Please be reminded to sign this petition ‘Against Mandatory Vaccines’ if you haven’t already. It currently stands at over 60,000. We are preparing action to present the petition as Europe is entering a new stage for vaccine mandates and the next year will be crucial for us to become proactive. www.change.org/p/european-parliament-european-commission-council-of-the-european-union-respect-promote-and-protect-freedom-of-informed-vaccination-consent-throughout-europe

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Yorkshire, Wakefield, Amie - Amielunn@gmail.com
Leicestershire, Ibstock, Yvonne - yvonnedavies@sky.com

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Justice for Jodie Appeal

Justice for Jodie Appeal

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