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The  URGENT item for now is that several MEPs have responded to our request to address the EU Commission regarding the issue of vaccine mandates, i.e. the enforcing of the policy in law.  We plan to organise a press conference at the EU Parliament, with the assistance of these MEPs, perhaps also targeting the petitions committee, to question vaccine mandates. We have important questions which challenge the  premise  that vaccines ‘protect’,  query  the data on efficiency and cost, as well as the claims of safety and the health consequences, demand transparency in, and extension of the  adverse events reporting systems around vaccination and highlight  further more serious diseases arising as a result of vaccines.  This group of MEPs needs more support from other MEPs.  They have asked that  citizens write to their respective MEPs, with the utmost urgency, requesting them  to  ask these questions also.  The more MEPs interested in  questioning  vaccine mandates, on behalf of their citizens, the better.  We therefore suggest the text below, which you can translate into your relevant languages, if necessary, and then send to your MEPS requesting that they reply both to yourselves and to the EFVV.  Even if they will not join publicly  they will see the strength of feeling, learn of the existence of the EFVV with its representation from 25 countries and our petition.  They will have to respond to you if local  and  if they do not,  please follow this up with a phone call if possible.  Our document can later be shared with all MEPs as a follow up to your emails.

Here is a link to all the MEPs in Europe  
Your country MEP on the ENVI committee making this particular consultation 
Your member on the committee for Human Rights 
Your member for Civil Liberties  http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/libe/members.html
Please share this request with others who might also be able to write to their MEPs and keep us informed of your actions and responses.  Please put  board@efvv.euin the CC box of your email.  There are European Parliament elections in all EU member states, every five years.  The next European elections will be in 2019 so making contact now is timely.
Dear X,
I write as a concerned citizen, parent and member/supporter of the EFVV (European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance) who represent 25 European countries and tens of thousands of other parents.
I call upon you as our representative in Europe to join with several other MEPs, from different countries, in putting key questions to the EU Commission regarding vaccine mandates.  Questions around efficiency and cost, safety and the health consequences, the transparency and even the existence of European adverse events reporting systems around vaccination and further disease as a result of vaccines still remain unanswered.  We hope to put these questions to the Commission at an event to take place preferably before the 15th of March, when the ENVI consultation ends, but if not, another opportunity will be organised in the near future. 
Please note that the EFVV petition has been translated into 12 languages and has been signed by over 140,000 individuals, primarily European: https://www.change.org/p/european-parliament-european-commission-council-of-the-european-union-respect-promote-and-protect-freedom-of-informed-vaccination-consent-throughout-europe
Please keep me informed of your support to ask for greater transparency in vaccine mandates and contact Dr Kris Glaubomme, Chair of the EFVV, for further information board@efvv.eu
Many Thanks,
(your signature)

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